The Google Internship :: (Mini) Thoughts and Reflections

發現心得好像欠得有點久 XD
摁! 所以來寫個迷你版的 XD

我覺得這一趟去 Google 實習學到的最重要的是:「如何解決問題」
我記得在第一次面美國 Facebook 時一點頭緒都沒有,因為我沒有人可以問;
先是錯過轉機、行李不知取向,再來生活各種事情像是:銀行開戶辦卡、申辦美國身分證 (SSN)、簽證跟保險的細節、會話英文 (問候、聊天、點餐 …等等)、搭乘交通工具、了解美國文化,在那邊全部都要自己弄清楚或重新學習,我記得超呆的是 Google 新生訓練第一天大家在大廳等候,我聽到旁邊人問候 “How are you?” 我還有點不知道怎麼回應耶 XD
上工後也是很新鮮的體驗,我從來沒有留學過,也當然沒有在在全英文的環境下工作過,更別說是 Google 了 (我連台灣的 Google 都沒申請過 :P ),覺得實習完英文口說能力進步不少 XD 至於實習內容,坦白說我心情一直都滿低落的,一個人在外地工作、整間辦公室只有另一個台灣人、前兩個月跟同事都聊不上天 (文化差異)、每一天的開始就是台灣一天的結束 (時差剛好 12 小時),下班後通常就是自己一個人晃呀晃不知道該做什麼,
還好我的 mentor (導師) 人超棒的, 我覺得從她身上學會很多,尤其是如何積極主動的面對及處理問題,我的 host 人也很不錯 :)

我覺得在 Google 工作最棒的福利不是大家最常聽到的免費食物點心、各種休閒設施,而是「周圍的同事」
在 Google 幾乎所有人都很厲害,各個領域的專家都在這裡,
工作上的討論很輕鬆,思考與反應大家都很快,所以討論問題時通常稍微點一下對方就會知道意思了,我印象很深刻的是即使是聊天,(尤其是實習生) 講話都比一般人還快上許多 (我自己戲稱這是 “Google-level native English” XD);而且如果有任何疑問通常都能得到立刻的答案,原因是內部文件跟 code 通常都寫得很好、有時候自己看一看 trace 一下就 OK 了,或是內部問一下通常很快就會得到熱心的 Googler 的回覆。
在這裡實習一個月後深深覺得自己屬於這個地方,跟同事互相切磋學習的感覺超棒的 :)
好啦… 不過最後在看實習生同事的 project 報告還是備感驚嚇 XD… 每一隻 (?) 等級都有點高有點嚇人啊哈哈哈哈

Mini Google thoughts and reflections

I think the most important thing I learned from this Google internship is: How to solve problems.
I still remember that I had no idea how to approach my first Facebook interview, mainly because I had no one to ask. That was also why I had to learn how to do almost everything on my own: resume, interview preparation, visa application, getting needed documents from school officials …etc..
When I got to the US, I still had a ton of issues.
First I missed my connecting flight and my luggage went missing, then I was confronted with all aspects of living: getting a sim card, opening up a bank account, applying for SSN, figuring out details about my visa and insurance, learning conversational English (greeting, chatting, ordering meals …etc.), taking public transportation, learning US culture… etc.. I had to figure everything out. I still remember that I didn’t even know how to respond to “How are you?” on my first day of my Google orientation lol.
Working at Google was a refreshing experience. I’ve never studied abroad before, let alone worked in a English-speaking environment or even a place like Google (never even applied to Google Taiwan before). My English speaking skills have definitely improved a lot thanks to the internship. As for the internship, I honestly felt quit down throughout. Working abroad alone, there was only one other Taiwanese in the office building, unable to comfortably chat up with coworkers in the initial 2 months, the start of a day in Boston is the end of a day in Taiwan (12-hr difference in timezone). I usually just wander around on my own after work.
Thankfully I had an amazing mentor. I learned a lot from her, especially how to proactively confront and deal with problems. I also had a good host too.

In my opinion, the best perks of working at Google is not the free food and snacks people often talk about, but the coworkers around me.
At Google, almost everyone is extremely good. We have experts in all areas.
Work discussion is easy. Everyone is wicked smart. I often don’t need to say much to begin an in-depth discussion. Even just a normal chat, everyone (interns especially) talks way faster than normal (?) (I nicknamed it “Google-level native English”). Plus you also get immediate answers for any questions you have. The reason is usually: either the internal documentation and code quality are so good that you can figure out the answer yourself, or you would get your answer from a helpful Googler rather quickly.
I really feel like I belong here after just a month. It’s just an amazing place to work.
Still, I was in a bit of a shock while watching other interns’ final presentation. Their works are all crazy good!